Lend a Hand!
Our vision is unlimited, but our resources are not.
Scholars Unlimited has provided out-of-school time programs for elementary-aged children at NO COST since 1993!
Our Mission is to foster academic, social, and emotional growth for children living in metro Denver communities.
Make an immediate impact today! Our scholars are remarkable individuals, and your support helps us build on their existing strengths. You expand their opportunity to have the highest quality programming, delivered by caring, dedicated professionals.
Make a gift now!
Questions? Send us a message.
Donate By Check
Checks can be mailed to:
Scholars Unlimited
3705 E. 40th Avenue
Denver, CO 80205
How It All Started
A volunteer from Park Hill and a school principal began our first summer literacy program for 20 students in 1993.
How Far We've Come
To date, we have served over 30,000 students!
Colorado Child Care Tax Credit
Gifts to Scholars Unlimited qualify for the Colorado Child Care Tax Credit (CCCTC), a state tax credit available to both individual and corporate Colorado taxpayers that reduces their Colorado state income tax liability by providing a 50 percent tax credit for cash contributions.